Manners in japan of a celebration and Funeral:Gosyuugi and Koudenn
Japanese sitemap mail form

丂There are different rules depending on religion.
Another point to note, using a Thin Brush ink

崄揟儕僗僩儅乕僋Writing utensils

Using a brush or calligraphy pen.
Using a Thin Brush ink.
Also sells Thin ink calligraphy pen.

崄揟儕僗僩儅乕僋The title


Part shown in FIG.
There are different rules depending on religion.
The Almighty is GOREIZEN(Shown in Fig.)
TOP > How to write a KOUDEN bag > How to make a cover(KOUDEN)
TOP Rate of GOSYUGI Rate of GOSYUGI(Wedding) Rate of GOSYUGI(etc.)
How to write a GOSYUGI bag Types of bag(GOSYUGI) How to make a cover(GOSYUGI)
How to make in a bag(GOSYUGI) Manner of GOSYUGI Rate of KOUDEN
How to write a KOUDEN bag Types of bag(KOUDEN) How to make a cover(KOUDEN)
How to make in a bag(KOUDEN) Manner of KODEN Sitemap
Do not know what religion

崄揟儕僗僩儅乕僋The name of the giver


Part shown in FIG.
There are a variety of patterns. Here below it.


Joint names 崄揟

Marital joint names 崄揟
Husband's name is written in full. Write the first name of his wife on the left.

When writing your company name or job title. 崄揟
Company name put on the right of the name.

When you put the address 崄揟
Address, write the top left.
However, are limited to the following peer to peer.

Joint names of three people 崄揟
The League is up to three people.
The right to one's superiors.
If the footing is right in alphabetical order.

Joint names of more than four 崄揟
Write the name of the representative of the center, write the other to the left
Put everyone's name in writing on a separate parcel.